
If you require immediate emergency assistance at any time, dial 911. For non-emergency assistance, you may call HealthLink at 811.

If under 20 weeks gestational age, for emergencies (eg. heavy bleeding, severe pain, etc), go to the Grey Nuns Community Hospital emergency room or the emergency room at the hospital nearest to you.

If over 20 weeks gestational age go to the Grey Nuns Community Hospital and you will be assessed in the Obstetrical Outpatient Unit.  There is always an Obstetrician on call at the hospital who will be able to attend to you.  The Outpatient Obstetrics Patient Services (OOPS) clinic is open 24 hours a day.  If you have vaginal bleeding, unusual abdominal pain, less than normal fetal movement, think your membranes have ruptured/your water has broken or for any other concerns please go to the OOPS unit ASAP.  Please stop at the main admitting from 0600 until 2100 and the emergency admitting from 2100 until 0600.  You will then be taken to OOPS by a hospital attendant.

If you are over 20 weeks gestational age and unsure what to do you may contact labour and delivery at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital at (780) 735-7036 for direction.

For non-emergency questions, call us and book an appointment with one of the physicians.