Jennifer Hanlin RN
Jennifer Hanlin has been a registered nurse since 1996. She has worked with moms and babies in the neonatal intensive care unit and the labour and delivery unit at the Grey Nuns Hospital . She has a passion for supporting women through this enjoyable and sometimes difficult journey. Jennifer became a registered lactation consultant in 2021.

Services Offered
Prenatal breastfeeding session – these sessions can be anytime in your pregnancy especially if you are anxious about breastfeeding. We suggest booking this appointment around your 36 weeks gestational age (4 weeks before your expected due date). This session typically takes 30 minutes.
Lactation consultation session – these sessions can be booked anytime after baby is born. You can even call us from your post partum room to book a session. Jennifer will help you navigate any concerns you have. Jennifer can also diagnose tongue tied babies (where the tongue is attached to the bottom of their mouth). Sometimes this can negatively affect babies latch.
Please call 587-635-3555 to book in to see Jennifer