Post Partum Visit

In most situations, you can see us 6-8 weeks after your vaginal delivery or caesarean section delivery. 

Please call to book your postpartum visit within the first week after you deliver. 

This will ensure that we have available appointments to see you in the correct time frame.

There are several situations you should contact us sooner:

Breast feeding issues

If you are struggling with Breastfeeding.

Please call us immediately. 

Our team will be able to help you. 

Please reach out to us!!!

(587) 635-3555

High Blood Pressure

If you are on high blood pressure medication that was started near the end of your pregnancy or during your labour and delivery we want to see you within the first 1-2 weeks to ensure that we are adequately treating your high blood pressure.  You may also need a dosage change. 

Please call in the first few days after delivery and identify yourself as one of these patients when calling.

High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy.



It is normal to bleed for up to 6-8 weeks after delivery.  Some women only bleeding for a few weeks which can also be normal. 

Please call us if you are bleeding very heavy ie: going through a pad every hour or if you have any signs of infection ie: fevers, chills, increasing pain.  


Postpartum Bleeding


It can be normal for your incision to weep clear or bloody fluid for the first few weeks after your caesarean section.  It is also normal for the incision to open a small amount.  You will have a special dressing from the hospital which we typically ask you to keep on for 5-7 days. 

If you are concerned about your incision please call us.

Post Partum Depression

PPD is very common and you are not alone!  There are several support groups online.  In person or online counseling is always a good approach. 

If you need help please always reach out to us!!!

(587) 635-3555

Postpartum Depression


If you have Mastitis please contact us.

(587) 635-3555